मधुर: शीतली रससन्तानिका ।

2)milk- 2 litre
3)sugar-1/3 bowl
4)cardamom-1/2 spoon
5)corn flour-2 spoon
6)milk powder- 2 spoon
7) venegar-1/3 bowl
8) kaju/badam( dryfruit as you wish)
9water-1 glass

मधुर: शीतली रससन्तानिका ।
आवश्यकानि सहित्यानि –
१)दधिकम -१००ग्राम परिमितम ।
२)दुग्धम -२ लि परिमितम ।
३)शर्करा -१/३ कटोर :
४)एला चूर्णम -१/२ चमस:।
५)लवेटिका चूर्णम -१/२ चमस:।
६)दुग्धचूर्णम -चमस द्वयम ;
७)आम्लवेतस -१/४ कटोर :।
८)काजवम ,वाताम्बु -कुट्टयित्वा (४ चमस:)
९)जलम -१ चषक:।

information about Rasmalai:-
With the festive season in full swing all that we think is to celebrate and enjoy mouth-watering desserts.
Rasmalai tops the chart as the exotic festive sweet. Rasmalai is a combination of two words “Ras” meaning juice and “Malai” meaning cream. The dessert is also described as a rich cheese cake without a crust. The name itself is exotic and denotes the richness of this delicate Indian sweet. Rasmalai undoubtedly tops the list of all Indian milk based desserts. Rasmalai is a dessert originating from the eastern part of India as almost all the milk and cream based desserts originated in that part of India
Rasmalai is basically a creamy and milky syrup that consist of Chenna (cottage cheese) balls. The syrup is purely made from milk, sugar, cream and saffron mixture. The super soft cottage cheese in the recipe is the essence of the recipe and makes it a great dessert for special occasion and is always served chilled.

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